Notice sheet for Sunday 20th October and Sunday 27th October (previous notice sheets available from the Parish Office)

(At St George’s unless otherwise specified)


8.00am The Eucharist (said service)

9.30am Parish Eucharist (this is our main service with Choir and activities for children)

11.00am The Eucharist (St Hilda’s)

11.30am 1st Sunday of the month – The Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer, said service)

6.00pm 2nd Sunday of the month – Taizé

6.00pm 3rd Sunday of the month – Choral Evensong

There is more information about the Taizé and Choral Evensong services on the MUSIC page.

Tuesdays: 8.45am, Morning Prayer; 9.30am, The Eucharist (both at St Hilda’s)

Wednesdays: Prayers for Sick and other concerns is suspended for the time being.

Thursdays: 8.45am, Morning Prayer; 9.30am, The Eucharist

We mark the seasons and festivals of the church year, enjoying the use of different liturgical colours, music, and types of service to mark each appropriately. We pay particular attention to the movement from Advent to Epiphany and then to Candlemas, and from Lent to Easter and up to Pentecost. At our weekday services we will often celebrate lesser festivals and saints’ days.

We run a programme of courses and groups at Lent, and sometimes at other times of year, to further explore these seasons & festivals.


From early days Christians have observed the time of Our Lord’s passion and resurrection with a season of penitence and fasting. These forty days of Lent give us an opportunity, through self-examination and repentance, fasting and prayer, to remove the barriers which keep us from God. It is a time to re-evaluate priorities and put ourselves right – with our inner being, with our neighbour, with creation, and with our God. We mark the season of Lent by giving things up and taking things on. We are encouraged to meditate on God’s Word and to open ourselves to new truths. For those who are able, the church keeps Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, the Fridays of Lent as fast days. Many find the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession especially appropriate during this season.

Lent 2024 begins with Ash Wednesday, 14th February. There will be a 9.30am Eucharist with Ashing at St Hilda’s, our sister church, and a 7.30pm Eucharist with Ashing at St George’s.

Our focus during Lent will be on the psalms, with Sunday sermons focussing on a selection of psalms, and both in-person and Zoom discussion groups looking at John Bell’s book Living with the Psalms (owning a copy is not necessary to participate!). For full details, please click here to view the Lent Leaflet.


We celbrated Asccension Day with a Eucharist at 9.30am and a Sung Eucharist at 7.30pm.


We will mark Pentecost at the 9.30am service on Sunday 19th May (please note that this will be an All-age service) and at Choral Evensong at 6pm, where our worsip will be enhanced by a string quartet.


Details to follow.


In 2023 we celebrated this at 9.30am Parish Eucharist and also at 6.00pm Choral Evensong where we welcomed Right Revd. Helen-Ann Hartley, the Bishop of Newcastle, as our preacher.


All Souls of those we have loved will be remembered at a Sung Eucharist. Last year this featured music from Fauré’s Requiem. Details for 2024 to follow nearer the time.
All Saints will be celebrated at Parish Eucharist on the relevant Sunday in November, 9.30am. Please note that incense will be used at this service.


Celebrated at all services and the Advent Procession at 6.00pm, which in 2023 featuring music by Palestrina and more.


For Christmas 2023, we began our celebrations with a Living Nativity through the streets of Jesmond, a Christingle for the children and then on Christmas Eve, we had a Family Carol service at 6 o’clock, followed by Midnight Mass. Christmas Day began early, with celebrations at 8am and Parish Eucharist at 9.30am in St.George’s, followed by Eucharist at St.Hilda’s at 11am. Christmas 2024 will likely be very similar, but details will follow nearer the time…


Download our recent Sermons here:

Malcolm Toft – 7th July 2024

Joan Grenfell – 12 May 2024

Joan Grenfell – 25 December 2023

Malcolm Toft – 17 December 2023

Malcolm Toft – 29th October 2023

Getting Involved

There are many ways in which you can become involved in Sunday services.

Bell Ringing

Bells at St George’s Church were installed in 1888 and rehung in new fittings in 1922 after being retuned. To keep them ringing we need your help! Practice nights are held on a Friday, 7.30pm to 9.00pm. We have people of all ages and abilities. Please contact John Markham, the tower captain, or the parish office before your visit.

Choir & Organ

Please visit our Music page to discover how to become involved in music at St George’s.


St George’s has a set of Servers, who can be of any age, who carry out an important role in the 9.30am service as Crucifer and Acolytes (Cross and candle bearers respectively). It is a very visual and active element of the service with each server robed up and participating from the chancel during the service. We currently have approximately 10 servers forming a monthly rota meaning approximately 2 services monthly for each server. Whilst the act of serving is very formal and provides a good discipline in formality and reverence, the weekly group is always a cheerful trio and find the participation in the service an enjoyable and fulfilling activity, and very different from simply sitting in the congregation. We are always on the lookout and would welcome any newcomers to the group. Please contact one of the clergy for more information.

The readings during the services (other than the Gospel) are read by members of the congregation, who each volunteer to read 3-4 times a year. Anyone wishing to join the rota should first have a word with member of the clergy or one of the wardens. Please see the About Page for contact details.
Intercessions are offered by a member of the intercessors’ group of volunteers, drawn from the congregation. At present there are 12 members, who each lead 5-6 times a year. Anyone wishing to join the group should first have a word with member of the clergy or one of the wardens. See the About Page for contact details.

Teams of 3/4 Sidespeople welcome worshippers at morning services 3-4 times a year. We know that a smile and friendly hello go a long way for regular and especially for new, or returning, faces. They hand out and collect in hymn books, service books and notice sheets, administer the collection plate, and one of the team forms part of the Eucharist procession delivering the gifts for blessing. They are often ‘first on hand’ (along with the wardens) for any week on week communications, as well as unforeseen incidences during the service.

The church flowers are organised and arranged by a rota of volunteers. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested.
Lifts to church
Lifts are available to the 9.30am Sunday service for the elderly/infirm. Drivers are on a volunteer rota and new drivers are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office if you need a lift or can offer to help.
Parish Coffee
Fairtrade coffee, tea, juice, and biscuits are served every Sunday in the church hall after Family Worship. This is managed through a rota of willing volunteers. It provides an opportunity to get to know other members of congregation in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere. If you’d like to help, please contact the Parish Office.
Parish Library

The Parish Library has around 800 books covering: Bible Study & theology, biographies & autobiographies, children and young people’s books, church history, literature, prayer and spirituality, the arts including art, architecture and music, the church and society. Download the Library Catalogues below and ask the office if you’d like to borrow anything.

Library catalogue by categories

Library catalogue by author surname

Church Cleaning

Volunteers clean the church on (usually) the 3rd Saturday of the month, starting at 9.30 am. They swab the floors, polish the pews, clean the altar rail, and vacuum the Lady Chapel. Extra help is always very welcome!

 flowerHearing Loop LogoTradecraft LogoInclusive Church