Below you will find events organised by This Week, Regular Weekly Events, Regular Monthly Events, and Coming Soon.
The church hall is now open again for hire. Please see the Hall and Church Hire page at this link for more details, or contact the parish office.
Heritage Open Days: 6th-13th September. On Friday 6th and Saturday 7th the church will be open until 4pm; there will be a guided tour at 2pm on the Friday and an organ recital at 2.30pm on the Saturday. Monday 9th-Friday 13th church will be open at the usual time. There will be an exhibition on display throughout, and refreshments available from Friday Cafe in the church hall on the Friday mornings –
Newcastle & District Society of Organists Recital: Friday 20th September, at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available in advance and on the door. The cost is £10 and will include substantial refreshments in the interval. Given by the immediate past President of the Royal College of Organists, Dr David Hill, this is to be held in memory of Frederick Peacock who was a Fellow of the College. David will be including some of Frederick’s favourite pieces of organ music. Better known for his work as a choral director, this is a rare opportunity to hear him play rather than conduct.
Book Group: Wednesday 25th September, 7.30pm in the Winskell Room. The book this month is Light Perpetual by Francis Spufford.
Licensing of Debbie Loughran: Monday 7th October at 7.30pm, followed by refreshments in the church hall.
Little Saints, 2.00-4.00pm in the church hall, every week except bank holidays. For babies/toddlers and their parents/carers; there is no charge and all are welcome.
Beavers (6-8 years), 6.00-7.00pm in the church hall. If you would like to volunteer to help lead Beavers, please get in touch via the Parish Office.
Scouts (10-14 years), 7.15-8.45pm in the church hall (except for the third Monday of the month).
Drop in – Fourat Duggan, 10.00am-12.00pm: Fourat will be at church on Tuesday and Friday mornings to see anyone who needs assistance/support whilst resident at the New Northumbria Hotel. St George’s will offer support, as far as is possible, to Fourat with her efforts to help those in life-changing times whilst at the hotel in Jesmond. Mobile: 07587608897.
Tuesday Group, 9.30am-12.00pm: Meets each week for gardening, maintenance and general DIY to the buildings and grounds. New volunteers always welcome. Coffee break at 10.30am!
Newcastle Concert Band, 7.30-9.30pm: Please see their Facebook page for more information.
Prayers for Sick and other concerns. Wednesdays, 10am, at the home of Mike Oswald. Please contact the parish office if you’d like to join.
Physio Support Group, 2.30-4.00pm: This began as a group for older people who may have been isolated during the pandemic. Followed by a cup of tea or coffee!
Cubs (8-10 years), 5.30-6.45pm in the church hall.
Tai Chi, 7.15-8.45pm: click here for more details.
Little Kickers, 9.30-11am: children’s football, in the church hall. Please see their website for more information and to sign up.
Junior Choir Practice, 4.30-5.15pm in church.
Choir Practice, 7.00-8.15pm in church.
Drop in – Fourat Duggan, 10.00am-12.00pm. Details as for Tuesdays.
Friday Café, 10.00am-12.00pm: tea, coffee, and a selection of delicious cakes in the Church Hall. Visitors living with dementia are especially welcome.
Sing & Socialise, 11.00am-12.00pm: meets in the Church Hall in the Middleton Room. All welcome – no skill required! Again, those living with dementia are especially welcome.
Bellringing practice, 7.30-9.00pm in the tower.
Rugby Minis, tag rugby sessions for ages 18m-5 years. 9.00am-11.20am (exact time of session depends on age group). More info on their website here.
Virtual Parish Coffee, online every first Wednesday of the month at 10.00am. Contact the Parish Office for details on how to join.
Book Group: meets monthly in the Winskell Room at 7.30pm. See above for details.
Parish Walk: first Saturday of the month (usually). See above for details.
Cycle Group: Once a month, next date to follow. Meet outside the church hall for 09:30 am. All abilities welcome, main roads avoided, coffee stop always included!
For further details on any of these events, please contact the Parish Office on weekdays, 9.45am-12.45pm. 0191 281 1659 or