The Choirs
There are three choral groups within the parish:
The Parish Choir
The Parish Choir is made up of around 20 enthusiastic singers, who contribute to the weekly 9.30 Choral Eucharist and monthly 18.00 Choral Evensong on Sundays. It is open to adults and young people aged over 13 who are willing to commit a modest amount of time each week. We sing a wide spectrum of music, from unaccompanied Renaissance polyphony to contemporary works, and rehearse each Thursday from 19.00-20.15. In addition to leading the liturgy, the choir also prepares music for concerts and large-scale devotional events, and there is an active social life outside the choir stalls.
Contact: Drew Cantrill-Fenwick
For: Adults and children over 13
Rehearsals: Thursday 19.00-20.15 in Church, Sundays 9.00 for 9.30 and 17.00 for 18.00 (third Sunday of the month)
Is there an audition? No. Just a simple session to see where you might fit best in the choir (voice type, etc)
The Junior Choir
The Junior Choir is for children aged 6-13 and is a relaxed, fun environment in which to learn the theory, discipline and joy of choral singing. The repertoire includes secular songs as well as liturgical music, and the emphasis is on participation and teamwork. The choir rehearses on Thursdays from 16.15-17.00 and sings at occasional Sunday morning services. The Junior Choir feeds into the Parish Choir and is known for its great snacks! Contact: Drew Cantrill-Fenwick For: Children aged 6-13 Rehearsals: Thursday 16.15-17.00 in the Choir Vestry Is there an audition? No, we just ask for dedicated attendance.Taizé Worship
We hold a Taizé service on the second Sunday of each month at 18.00. This is a simple 30-40 minute service based on worship used at the community in Taize, and includes a psalm, a reading and the distinctive Taize chants. These elements surround a 10-15 minute period of silence enriched by candlelit icons. Singers are welcome to offer leadership at these services.
Contact: Bryan Vernon